Online Pledge

Please sign the online pledge now indicating your level of support for this necessary reform:

* = Required Fields  
* First Name:
* Last Name:
* City:
* State:
Phone Number:
I'm interested in (check all that apply):
Adding my name to the list of pledged supporters (see below)
Staying informed by joining our email list (Note: you will receive no emails if this box is not checked)
Signing a petition and helping my friends, family, or neighbors sign a petition
Circulating a petition in my area
Organizing a public rally in my city
Monitoring local newspapers and writing letters to the editor
Being a "Team Leader" in my area
Supporting this cause financially or organizing a fundraiser
Other (specify below - examples: help with web site, blog, legal forms, media relations, etc).
I'll print my petition from this website or my email.
Please mail me a petition.

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